Friday, March 31, 2017

Survey Time

What's up? How have you been? Hope you've all been doing well. Time's flying by and we are already entering April. That's absolutely crazy. I can safely say we are all on the final stretch to the end of the school year. Now, for the past two weeks, I have been working on the ever-so elusive survey which you will all finally get your hands on. Everyone seemed super excited to take the survey, and I am really happy about that. The links will be included at the bottom of this post. For now, I am going to talk about the final touches on my survey

In order to finish up the survey for public use, it had to go through some stages of editing. After compiling a list of all the questions, I would go through and read each one very carefully in order to make sure they were as clear and concise as possible. They had to be impartial and easy to answer. When people think about a question for too long, they become bored and impatient, and will probably answer the following questions very poorly. Some questions ended up needing to be elaborated upon. Some were combined with others. Some were taken out completely. It ended up looking professional and understandable... until my mom came in with the mind set of someone not tech-savvy (she's definitely not adept with technology). She would slap some sense into my tech-geared mind, so terms and other procedures that make complete sense to me but may leave someone like my mom completely clueless had to be revised. It wasn't until this round of editing was completed that my survey was ready for release. Because you can't have more than a survey with more than 10 questions without paying for it on SurveyMonkey, I had to split up my survey among two links. Make sure that if you do decide to take my survey, which I really implore you to do, take both. There's also a cool little activity at the end of the survey for you to do. Just a little something to spice it up.

In addition to finishing my survey this week, I also took it upon myself to mess around with all the different anti-virus/anti-malware services. I did basic research learning a lot more about why there are multiple services when they all pretty much do the same thing -- protect against malware. I plan to actually pit them against real malware by placing harmful malware on my computer. Of course, it will be in a controlled environment. But hey, if something does go wrong, I've been planning on changing the parts in my computer for a while now, so I'd have an excuse. Maybe I'll even record myself doing so, and let you guys see it in action next week. Who knows? We'll have to wait and see. 

Here are the links to the surveys. Survey 1 Survey 2 . The first is linked to my first survey, and the second one to my second survey. Take them in order, and I hope you like the end. As always, it had been a pleasure writing this blog and I look forward to reading your comments. As usual, this is Adam, signing off.


  1. I took the survey and I hope my results satisfy your learning research needs. Some of the questions I had good answers for, but others, I did not know what you were talking about. Continue the great work.

    Ty Holland

    1. Thank you for taking my survey! Don't worry because I expected people not to be able to answer some questions.

  2. Hi Adam. I had fun taking your survey. I hope my answers will help you with your research. Can't wait to see what trends you find or any extrapolating variables.

    1. Thanks Jason! I guarantee that your answers will help me.

  3. Hi Adam! I took the surveys, and I hope it helps you out!

  4. Great job with the surveys. Survey 1 was really easy, but Survey 2 was a bit confusing. Next time, I recommend using google forms. You can have lots of questions and the simple design like you wanted. Sorry, I wasn't helpful at all with Survey 2. See you next week.

    1. I understand. The whole point was for it to be hard to understand. I wanted to see people were able to answer the questions.

  5. Hey Adam. Took the survey, and since I am familiar with the topics on the surveys, I'm hoping that I posted sufficient information, as I've had to deal with malware/viruses myself. Looking forward to the statistics on the surveys.

  6. Hi Adam. Amazing job with the surveys, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Cant wait to see what you come up with next!

  7. Hi Adam! I took your surveys! It's cool that you've finished making them by this week so you get two weeks to analyze the results!

    1. Thanks Nichole. I'm really happy I was able to complete them with time to spare.

  8. Hi Adam, great job with the survey. I hope all the responses get you what you're looking for and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  9. Hi Adam, I hope you get to see some interesting results with these surveys!

    1. Thanks Liam! Good luck with your project too!

  10. Hey Adam! I took the surveys and judging by the questions, I hope that the results turn out to be super interesting! Also, I wasn't expecting to see all my location information with that activity at end, that was a bit surprising. Great post!

    1. Thanks Urmi! I was hoping to catch people off guard with that. Just a fun little joke!

  11. The surveys were really well put together, glad I could be a part of your research, and good luck with the malware.
