Friday, March 24, 2017


Hello everyone! As usual, I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and welcome to this week's blog. 

As you should have read in my previous, I finished up all of the plug-ins my mentor recommended. From there, I had to decide what to do next. We came up with a few more plug-ins just for fun as they aren't necessary for my research as well as outlined the remaining parts of my research. What we came up with was the survey, which I had already planned to do from the beginning, and continued our conversation from there. It led to many topics I could include in my survey which would be narrowed down and formatted to fit the typical syntax of a survey. I do not have the survey finished because I would really prefer to finalize and perfect every aspect of it. I can't afford to be unprofessional and colloquial in my diction because I am basically asking you guys for your own time to help me. I digress. This post will be going a bit more in depth what my survey will cover. Consider it a teaser for the actual release.

One of the most populated topics of cyber-security that people (that is, people not privy to cyber-security) discuss is passwords, and the theft thereof. What defines password security? What makes it strong or weak? What is a good password? Well, that's one of the many questions my research plans to help answer and, in order to make my argument much more convincing, I need to gather data from you. Now, I'm not going to ask for your passwords. That's just idiotic. I'm going to ask about your thought process. Do you simply choose a word that means nothing to you? Or is it an item or idea very special to you? Do you commonly use uppercase. numbers, symbols? How long do you tend to make your passwords? I need to know these facts in order to show you what people do, and help change your poor password choosing habits. I need to also make clear in  my survey that I intend to keep all these answers confidential. Well, I shouldn't even say keep. Everyone will be anonymous and I intend to trash your answers once that data is collected. I need the participants to feel safe and comfortable when answering. You'd be surprised how many people shy away from these things or may feel embarrassed when bringing up a poor habit. It is crucial that my data accurately represents what you guys actually do, not what you think you do.

Now this is only one of the topics that will be included in my survey. I will be asking about your online habits and security programs. Where do you keep your passwords? Do you save your passwords? Do you visit unsafe sites? Why do you think they are unsafe? safe? These are the kinds of questions I will be asking. I hope you better get an idea as to what I plan to accomplish after reading this. It's a much more arduous task than I originally thought -- one I didn't think would take this long. I hope you enjoyed my blog this week and I look forward to reading your comments. As always, this is Adam, signing off.


  1. Hey Adam! I am glad to see that your project is coming along as planned. As for the survey, I think it is a great idea and even adds a sort of social twist to such a technological project. I really love what you're doing! As always, keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Adam. I am as well curious about how people create their passwords. Will your survey determine the safest way to outline a password. Can't wait to take your survey.

    1. The survey won't because you are just answering questions, but seeing the other options might help spark a few ideas in your head.

  3. Hi Adam! I am curious to what you find out about the type of passwords we all use. I can't wait to take your survey!

    1. Thanks Nichole! I look forward to your feedback.

  4. Hey Adam! I'm looking forward to see what happens with those surveys! How are you planning on analyzing the responses and finding patterns if everyone's answers are subjective? Great post!

    1. That's just the thing. Patterns emerge from everyone's subjectivity. If everyone's answers were objective than I should have the same answer for every question.

  5. Hi Adam! Do you have any predictions for what your survey might offer you in terms of results?

    1. I feel like there will be some people who are more tech savvy and others who have no idea what malware is. It will help me gauge what the general populace thinks when it comes to the subjects I'm asking about.

  6. Hi Adam! I am also quite curious about what this survey is going to offer at the end, and I can't wait to take this survey! Good job!!

  7. I'm excited to take this survey and possibly be of help to your research. I'll save any questions I have for now, because it seems like they'll all be answered next week.

    P.S. I like the Lilo and Stitch theme you got going this week.

    1. Thanks! I tried my best with the Lilo and Stitch theme. Glad you liked it.

  8. I should save my responses for the survey, but your project is looking good. :D All of us are here to help with your new survey. Good Luck!

  9. I am extremely excited to take the survey. So, I will probably have more questions next week. Also, I am probably going to need help breaking my bad password habits. Thanks so much.

    Ty Holland

    1. Of course! Looking forward to your survey answers.

  10. Hi Adam. I look forward in completing the survey. The project seems to be going well for you. Keep it up!!!

  11. For passwords, what do you think is the best? Since passwords can be a wide variety of things, how do you build the best password as some can be very unimaginative (i.e. 1234). I personally think its all based on one's habits and what they think about other people they hang around. Also, I'm really excited about the survey, hope it does well.

    1. That's just the thing. An objective look at someone's password habits can really help transform the power of their passwords. And I am looking forward to you taking my survey.

  12. I can't wait to take your survey! I am afraid I will discover however that I am not the best at creating passwords and I am sure I can be more secure online. I appreciate the thought you are putting into your survey, as a survey is only as good as the questions it asks. Nice work so far Adam, and let us know how your visit to Embry-Riddle goes this weekend! We would love to see pictures.

    1. Thanks! I'm definitely excited about my Embry-Riddle visit this weekend. I'll try my best to snap the best pictures.
