Friday, February 17, 2017


Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog's second week! To start of this post, I would like to give you an overview of what I have done, and then go a little bit more in depth further on. To start this week's work, I was given some plug-ins to use on my website, but this week I focused on OneAll, a social networking API, or application public interface. I will be doing more than one plug-in a week, but I also had to setup and get my website working before I could actually isolate and observe what the plug-in actually did. 

WordPress, the open-source content management system or CMS, is what I built my website on. Using Pantheon, a website management platform, I was able to create and host a WordPress website for free using a provided domain. Ironically, it was first a blogging website and still is a popular one. I will insert a picture of what the cover of my website looks after this paragraph. Now, OneAll, the social networking API, allows users to login to my website using various social media, whether that is Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Plus, the list goes on. After initializing the social media with my account, a process i'm not going to bother you with, I would be able to take a look at information that that user has when signing in under that social media. For example, under google plus, I could be able to gain access to your exact location, while in Twitter, I can really only gain access to your email. Wouldn't you feel safer if you logged in under your Twitter account instead of your Google Plus? Now, of course, when logging in, it will tell you what the website devs and admins will gain access to. Just make sure to actually read it. Don't worry, it's not as long as the terms and conditions where you just hit accept. So this is just one example of what my research this week has given me. There are many other plug-ins that I plan to research in the future that are much more in-depth, but here is the first one.

I also figure you viewers want to know what my work looks like. Since I work from home, I guess I will have to take a picture of my desk to show you where I am whenever I am working. Here it is:

I hope you have an idea of where I spend half of my day now.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading about my second week, also the first week where I really got to dive into my work. Have a nice weekend!


  1. Hello Adam, that is pretty creepy that you can know all of this stuff about a person just from them logging in with their social media account. People can use this information against the person logging in causing huge problems. Continue your research, so you can help protect more people.

    Your blog follower, Ty Holland

    1. I know right!? I did not know that all this information about someone could be found out so easily. Thanks for liking my setup!

  2. Hey Adam! I love what you are doing with your project! You seem very engaged in it and that is definitely a good thing :) Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks Aria! I will definitely keep up the good work.

  3. Hi Adam, this is looking really good so far. I really like your determination and focus on this project. Thank you for the tips already about looking to see what the website gains access to, I will definitely read these more! I can't wait for more of these tips! Good job!

    1. Thanks Zachary! I will definitely be pumping out more tips as I go along with this project.

  4. Hi Adam, you have been doing some really interesting work and it was interesting to see your work place. I also thought it was very interesting to have been able to create a website. Great job!

    1. Thanks Devin! I will actually be posting a link to my website in the next blog, so you and everyone else can go visit!

  5. Awesome progress. There are many scary stories these days, about hackers/websites gaining information and using it anywhere. :o I look forward to more of your research. Can you see my information on this website? xD

    See you later, Zak

    1. Hey Zak! I can see everything... Not really. I can't see you're information on this website; however, I will be posting a link to my website on my next post. I guess you'll have to wait until then for me to find out all about you.

  6. Hi Adam, thanks for the tip, but out of curiosity, would you be able to know my exact location if I signed into google+ with location sharing disabled on my google account? Can't wait to hear more about your discoveries on internet safety as well as your helpful tips (thanks again).

    1. Hey Jason! To answer your question, I would assume not. It might just give me a last known location, but I do not know. Good question Jason!

  7. Hey Adam! After reading your post, I think I might stop using my google account instead of other social media when it concerns new websites. Speaking of new websites, can you include a link to yours? What was the hardest part of making it?

    1. Actually, yes. I will be including a link in my next post. The reason why i didn't in this post was because I felt there just wasn't enough for you guys to do on my website -- there still isn't that much, but enough to have you entertained. The hardest part of making it was finding all the necessary programs and software and understanding how to use them. The making of the website wasn't hard, but rather understanding the programs I used behind the website, like Pantheon.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello Adam, good to know what information I'm giving to some of these websites, might want to start using different things for some websites. Glad there are people like you working for better security

    1. ps unknown was me, I forgot to log in first

    2. Haha, thanks Chris! And no worries regarding the unknown, I can easily take it down in the future.

  10. Hi Adam! It looks like you've been working hard with the set up of your website. What are you hoping to find out with the use of OneAll?

    1. With OneAll, people are allowed to login to my website through their social media. When they do so, I may need certain information to help the user utilize their social media on my website to its full potential. At the moment, I'm just asking random information just for the sake of curiosity, so I and everyone else will know what kinds of information the website admins and developers are really gaining access to.

  11. Hi Adam! This all looks very interesting. I think its really cool what your able to do. I have one question, how long does this process usually take?

    1. I'm assuming you are asking in regards to making use of a plug-in. It all depends on the plug-in. Some are plug-and-play and others require quite a bit of setup to use properly, so it can take anywhere from half and hour to a few days. Hope that answered your question.

  12. Looks like you have a pretty good start. If you had to guess, how many different ways do you think there are for a website to get information like your location? Are you going to try to simulate them all on your website, if so do you need people to sign up on it?

    1. I bet there are a lot of ways to do so. There may be plug-ins specifically for that purpose and their probably are. OneAll is just one of many and doesn't focus on getting your location, although it can do that. And I do not need people to sign up on my website to do so because I have many accounts that simulate a group of people, but they do all lead to my home. It can't hurt to have more people, but I will probably disable tracking because I doubt you guys want me to know that information.

  13. Hi Adam! It may be just because I am unfamiliar when it comes to computers, but why is it that you are able to access a location through google plus, but not twitter? It's awesome to see you progress, keep up the good work!

    1. Google Plus, in my opinion, is a bit more than a social media website, since you can do all sorts of things like write a paper in google docs or comment on Youtube. Twitter is more of a mainstream social media. With these social media, they may call for different information for different purposes. Twitter has no need to know your location since there are no features on Twitter that utilize this. Google Plus, on the other hand, has functions such as google maps which are vital in regards to knowing your information. In conclusion, it all depends on the social media and what they need to know. Hope this answers your question Liam!

  14. Hi Adam. Sounds like you are learning more and more each day. Does your mentor, Mr. Vange, send you assignments each week, or are you given an idea and then free to run with it?

    I am interested as to why different social media platforms allow access to different personal information - do you know why that is?

    1. It's more of the second one. He will help me think of ideas to "run" with, and I will try and figure it out from there. I can always contact him and ask questions if I am confused. Just recently he visited Shanghai for business. To answer your second question in the same way I answered Liam's, it all depends on what the business is and needs. For example, Twitter doesn't have any application like Google Maps which google plus utilizes.
